At our last Stafford Rotary Club meeting, we had guest speaker Cindy Kabel discussing the practice of Reiki (pronounced "ray-key"). Cindy gave us some of her background information and enlightened us on how she became a "Reiki Master."


Although she started out skeptical, she now practices Reiki on family members and on all of her hospice patients. She also says that Reiki has "changed my life."


So what is Reiki? Thankfully, Cindy provided our club members with information sheets. Here's what we learned:

  • Reiki is a vibrational healing practice

  • The practice is heavily focused on energy

  • This energy flows through the mind, body and spirit

  • Reiki is not a religion, but belief in a "higher power" is necessary for the treatment to be effective. 

Our members received a demonstration near the end of the discussion. Cindy is currently looking to expand the use of Reiki in hospitals, hoping that the local medical community will accept the practice on their patients.